Plaintiff bus driver Martinez rear-ended Tai on the 210 freeway near San Dimas. Normally, that’s a big problem. Martinez claimed that defendant Tai swerved into his lane causing the accident. 

Tai claimed she was merely rear ended and sought damages against the bus company and Martinez. They sued each other!
Martinez required chiropractic care and reconstructive surgery for his shoulder and could no longer drive a bus. 

Tai claimed Martinez suffered from an old army injury. Defendant/cross complainant Tai was covered with a minimal policy of $15,000. Martinez demanded the payment of $15,000 but defendant insurance refused. The jury awarded Martinez $150,000 in damages – 10 x more than Martinez demanded early in the case. Defendant Tai received nothing.

Martinez vs. Tai Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Patrick Madden, June 4, 2019. 


1) Not all rear-ender cases are the fault of the rear car.

2) Attacking a person’s army injury isn’t a good idea.