Shawn Steel, John
Tawlian & Alexander Eisner
PI Verdict in Conservative Santa Barbara County with Dr. Okada, DC
Edwin Alvarez, age 36, driving westbound on Highway 154 near Lake Cachuma. Defendant Nielson an employee of defendant Santa Ynez Feed was working at the time of the
Defendant was driving a 2005 Ford F-450 truck. Neilson made an unsafe left turn from a dirt road onto Highway 154 into Alvarez’s path – and accelerating his speed to
avoid Alvarez. The total impact was 45 mph.
Alvarez sought initial care with Sonny Okada, DC of Oxnard. After conservative care Dr. Okada made key referrals to board certified orthopedic surgeon Moshe Wilker MD.
The MRI’s confirm source of pain from L4 – L5. After a series epidurals and chiropractic care the pain was intractable, and interbody fusion was performed. In addition, Alvarez suffered from a rotator cuff shoulder pain.
Defendant insurance argued the fusion surgery was not needed.
Alvarez lost both of his jobs.
The jury’s verdict gave a total of $1,436,403.48 to Alvarez.
Alvarez vs. Santa Ynez Feed, Santa Barbara Co, NO 1460762, Honorable Timothy Staffel.
Master PI Guru Gary Lewkovich tackles this issue.
Obviously, the more PI symptoms the greater the care, fees and value of the case.
Sometime this is overdone and duplicative. We may be tempted to list too many SIMILAR symptoms that reduces the credibility of your key findings. In general, take
a holistic view of your patient’s varied pains and determine which specific pathology best defines the issue.
Dr. Gary warns us the “incomplete” documentation will help insurance REDUCE your fees. Not good.
For patients with extensive complaints ask for the DAILY LOG OF SYMPTOMS form. This will keep your patient busy and help justify all your hard work.
We work everywhere in California!
3 Depo Rules For You
1) Always demand the depo take place in your office. Home field advantage keeps you comfortable and removes travel time.
2) Payment up front. Send the attorney who noticed the deposition your fee schedule (with a two-hour minimum) and request that a check be presented to you at the
start of the deposition.
3) Scheduled around your patients. Insist that the depo take place at the most convenient time for you
Bonus Rule) If your Plaintiff’s attorney cares about you, they will offer to prep you for your deposition, so you feel comfortable.

and you are invited!
HJ Ross Insurance Seminars
Ontario 11/10/2018
Cal Chiro District Seminars
(2 hours mandated CE)
Ventura: 11/29/18
All doctors welcome to join us.
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