Traffic Deaths Increasing in 2016

The National Security Council found fatalities were 9% higher in the first 6 months of 2016.
Nearly 19,100 people have died on US Roads since January and 2.2 million have been injured.
The NSC blames an improved economy , less unemployment and cheaper gas for the increase.
Chiropractor "Quite Languid" After Jail Fast for Three Weeks 1921.
LOS ANGELES "Health" Engmark a chiropractor serving a sentence of 90 day in the city jail following convention of violating the state medical laws, began his
fourth week of a hunger strike. Jail physicians declined to state whether forcible feeding would be attempted.
Sacramento Union, Feb 15, 1921

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Fax: (949) 612-9797
Address: 3010 Old Ranch Parkway, Ste. 260
Seal Beach, CA 90740

A Checklist to Evidence on Functional Improvement -
"Sooner or later," says Dr. Gary Lewkovich, "documentation demands from big insurance companies are ramped up to prove up injury mechanisms."
Defense Medical Exams doctors are beginning to argue that "there is insufficient evidence of functional improvement to justify more care. "
Don't let that happen to you.
A couple of examples you can get:
Since the most recent eval your ability to work has: increased, decreased etc.
Since your exercise rehab eval, your neck strength has-
Since your last eval your recreation activities have ---
The form of how can a treating doctor accurately document functional improvement is offered. Contact
johntawlian@shawnsteel.com for your copy.
$4,600 Chiro Bill - Jury Awards $23,803.80 - Pasadena Superior Court
Dr. Stanley Steinberg was "awesome" with his testimony in the Pasadena Superior Court, according to a court observer.
Plaintiff, a young male was rear-ended on the freeway in a hotly contested liability case. Defendant argued that plaintiff made unsafe lane changes. Defendant
charged that plaintiff was exhibiting 'road rage' and was afraid of him.
The jury believed the plaintiff over defendant. As for medical damages, there were only chiropractic bills. Plaintiff complained of neck and back pain. Plaintiff
sought treatment from Dr. Steinberg for three months. Plaintiff says he was fine after care and would not need future care. Ouch. Normally, that alone would diminish most PI cases.
The jury loved Dr. Steinberg. The DC was attacked by defense and was rudely asked that he was "not a real doctor". The jury was not amused.
After finding for plaintiff on liability the jury awarded $23,803.80. The award was based on car damage, chiropractic bills and for the years he had to suffer
for being charged as a liar.
Admittedly this was a small case. However, by not overreaching and asking too much + with reasonable care the jury was favorable.
You can never underestimate how important your patient's character is in a case.