Responding to a Bad IME
Big Insurance [BI] mostly hire doctors who deliberately and unfairly denigrate your patient’s injuries. Therefore, BI purposely use IME’s to discredit your work and to reduce your fees.
Even though IME reports are predictable, it is important for the treating doctor to repudiate a biased medical report.
As Dr. Lewkovich argues: “How can one set reviewers appear straight when they make incorrect and or unsupportable statements in PI cases?”
Dr. L suggests turning the tables on the IME’s. He created an excellent form that will take a few minutes for you to complete. The form that puts the IME on the defensive.
For a copy of this neat form: NOTICE TO REVIEWER, email: for your copy.
Typical IME doctor
Traffic fatalities 2010
The US Dept of Transportation reports that there were some 32,788 Fatal traffic accidents in 2010.
The key reasons for fatalities generally come from those who drink or use drugs while driving. Teenagers are particularly susceptible with lack of experience and poor judgment, driving unsafe for the surroundings.
Dinner & PI
Buca Di Beppo, Encino
Victor Tong, DC & Associates
Del Mar 06/04/2011
Hacienda Heights 07/09/2011
Thousand Oaks 08/06/2011
Riverside 09/10/2011
For questions call John at 310-697-9000 or
Chiropractic Management Blows out 2 policy limits in Orange County
67 year old Phan Nguyen, an assembly line worker, was driving on the 22 freeway when two other drivers collided, one of whom hit Nguyen head-on.
Nguyen was taken by ambulance to the local ER. He was diagnosed with “soft tissue” injuries. He sought care from a local DC, who found that Nguyen actually suffered from a frozen right shoulder. A referred orthopedists suggested shoulder surgery. Nguyen did get cortisone shots. Def claimed pre existing problem.
Nguyen demanded the each Def pay the policy limits of $15,000. Instead primary Def [Mercury] refused to make any offer.
The jury promptly awarded $48,097 [$6547 past care, $29,800 past pain/suffering, and 11,750 for future pain/suffering] Plaintiff will seek court costs on top of the award which could exceed $10,000 more dollars.
Nguyen vs. Magallon Superior Ct of Orange Co, Judge Linda Marks, 30-2010-00349432,3/10/11
- Rumors that Orange County is too conservative are not true.
- Skilled management by a smart DC overcomes a poor ER diagnosis.
- Even with pre existing med issues…juries are sympathetic to older people in big accidents.
Next PI Teleconference

Wednesday, June 22 @ 1:00 PM
With our special guest
John Whitman, Ret. Insurance Adjuster
Previously introduced as the Anonymous Adjuster
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For telephone number & pass code