Shawn Steel, John
Tawlian & Alexander Eisner
Past Injuries from Earlier MVAs are Coming Under Greater Scrutiny in Denying Present Day Injuries
Dr. Lewkovich is tracking an emerging dangerous trend from insurance companies.
He received complaints from doctors who are hearing from adjusters that if their patient had an accident in the last 5 years, that the claim is automatically discounted.
According to the California Highway Patrol, the average Californian has traffic accident every 7 years. Some of your PI cases often come from former patients. In Glendale,
it is every 5 years for the average motorist.
Insurance is
trying to discount new accidents by arguing that the prior injury is the true source of a large portion of the patient’s current ongoing symptoms. It’s unscientific, of course.
Dr. Gary has a form. It is entitled “ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR PRIOR MV/SIGNIFICANT INJURY”. This form will help show the clear distinction between the former
to the current accident. The key is to show that the patient was asymptomatic prior to the most recent injury.
PART II: Favorite Sam & Shawn -- Crucial Cervical "Trauma" Codes
We do not use non-trauma codes such as “cervicalgia.” Codes that pinpoint the most accurate symptom is essential.
Consider some of these Trauma Codes for your cervical injury cases and see if they may apply:
Cervical Spine Trauma SPRAIN
S13.4XXA Sprain of ligaments
S13.4XXS Sprain ligaments sequelea
S14.2XXA Injury nerve root
S14.3XXA Injury brachial plexus
M54.12 Radiculopathy Cervical region
M50.10 Disc disorder with radiculopathy
M50.120 Mid cervical disc disorder
M50.122 Disc disorder C5/6 level with radiculopathy
Get the Police Report.
Police reports are a critical tool in developing your diagnosis, determining the likely forces felt by your patient, and
even anticipating latent problems often associated with certain types of accidents. A good attorney will get the police report at the beginning of a PI case to aid in the determination of liability and causation, but a pro-chiropractic attorney will volunteer
that report as well as other records to you as soon as they get it. If they don’t, feel free to ask for it. You have just as much right to be informed as does your patient’s attorney.
For any questions feel free to email me:
Attorney Suspended from State Bar for Failure to Pay Medical Providers for More Than 3 Years
Lee was suspended on March 31, 2018 from the practice of law for six months and placed on probation for two years after he admitted to committing 10 acts of professional
Lee stopped returning calls from clients in three cases. In two cases, he
failed to pay medical providers for 3 years and failed to inform the client about a settlement offer received.
Had Lee not paid the doctors or his clients he would have lost his license.
Los Angeles Daily Journal, May 4, 2018

CCA Districts
North Bay District
(2hrs mandated CE)
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
HJ Ross Insurance Seminars
Santa Ana 6/9/2018
Long Beach 6/28/2018
Calabasas 7/12/2018
San Jose 7/14/2018
Pasadena 7/26/2018
Riverside 07/28/2018
All doctors welcome to join us.
For questions email

Shawn Steel Law Firm, California's Pro Chiropractic Law Firm3010 Old Ranch PKWYSuite 260Seal Beach, CA 90740