Scientists have learned much in the last 10 years and this science is complicated.
PI doctors must be acutely aware of how to diagnose and care for Traumatic Brain Injury [TBI] cases.
Injuries to the brain, skull and scalp need careful investigation.
There are 4 types of TBI's:
1. Concussion: usually a minor brain injury, caused by sudden change in movement. Generally, not seen through an imaging test. Cause headaches, concentration and memory loss. Much more dangerous if there are repeated concussions.
2. Contusion: a bruise on the brain tissue. Just like you can see on the skin. Breaking and leaking of small blood vessels. This could build pressure inside the head. This often happens with a DIRECT blow to the head [side window or slip and fall]
3. Penetrating Injury: when an object pierces though the skull.
4. Anoxic Brain Injury: brain starves of oxygen. Often from serious trauma.
For an article about this expanding area for PI doctors contact John Tawlian via email by clicking here.
Next PI issue: The 3 levels of TBI