Shawn Steel, John
Tawlian & Alexander Eisner
San Diego Double Impact Rear-Ender
Ms. Robinson, a yoga instructor, was rear-ended while on her way to pick up her daughter from school. Defendant admitted looking down to make sure she had her bags with
her, when she hit Robinson at 15 mph. Defendant then mistakenly put her foot on the gas and ran into Robinson a second time.
Robinson was treated by super DC James Dilliard, El Cajon. Diagnosis showed a disk bulge to her C5/C6 region. Total medical bills were $7,000. More important her future
medical bills were anticipated at over $10,000.
The jury awarded $40,000 to Robinson.
Robinson v Gertoson: San Diego Superior Court 37-2016-00033272, Hon Timothy B. Taylor,
September 26, 2018
Biggest issue for any trial: how credible is the patient and doctor
Mother picking up child is a BIG fact.
Dr. Dilliard was the only doctor testifying. He was prepared and convincing as to patient’s future care
Beware New Scam from Progressive Over Your PI Bill
Progressive hired a Mitchell NHQ to pay you PI bill
in advance, before the PI case settles. Sound good? Too good to be true?
A key DC in Torrance received this offer that if the DC took $1,350 for his bill of $2,265 he would receive a check immediately.
If the DC agreed he would cut his bill by 40%!
The DC called our office. Here are several reasons why this is a scam.
Once insurance knows you will cut your fees 40% they will never pay you more.
Cutting the fee 40% cuts the PI case by the same amount ruining your patient’s PI Case.
Your relationship with the attorney and patient will deteriorate.
It is a short-term value – but you lose control over your fee structure.
Sometimes attorneys need help.
Difficult or skeptical clients can pose a huge problem for PI attorneys as they attempt to progress cases forward. In your capacity as their doctor, you hold a position of
power and influence to help coach your patients. If you have referred your client to an ethical, pro-chiropractic attorney, you should feel comfortable advising your clients on the competency of their attorney and the efficacy of the attorney’s plan. Call
us immediately when a client is skeptical with her attorney’s advice.
For any questions feel free to email me:
Get Your Keele Start Back Screening Tool
This English test helps measure back pain. We like the “Scoring System” that gives solid metrics of whether your patient
has a Low Risk, Medium Risk and High-Risk back pathology.
for your copy of this unique form.

HJ Ross Insurance Seminars
Long Beach 6/28/2018
Calabasas 7/12/2018
San Jose 7/14/2018
Pasadena 7/26/2018
Riverside 7/28/2018
All doctors welcome to join us.
For questions email


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Shawn Steel Law Firm, California's Pro Chiropractic Law Firm3010 Old Ranch PKWYSuite 260Seal Beach, CA 90740