Shawn Steel, John
Tawlian & Alexander Eisner
Big Verdict in LA - Jury rejects when Unigard blames victim
Jessica Berrones was driving in Hollywood when defendant made an unsafe left turn into the Magic Castle. It was a major collision.
Jessica sought care from her chiropractor who subsequently referred her to a pain management specialist, an acupuncture and a neurosurgeon.
Sadly, after a long period Jessica had to submit to a discectomy and fusion at C4-5 and C5-6. Her surgeon estimated should would need another fusion a level above due
to the adjacent segment disease – in 15 years.
Unigard argued that Jessica’s injuries were a of a strain/sprain type that would have resolved within months. Further, they argued that the surgery occurred more than
a year after the crash and therefore was “unrelated” to the accident.
Unigard offered $300,000. Jessica demanded $600,000.
The jury awarded $891,941, for past and future costs.
The jury was impressed that the patient was not eager for surgery and initially tried conservative chiropractic care;
The chiropractor made smart referrals: acupuncturist, then a pain management and when that didn’t work referred to a neurosurgeon;
This was an obvious violent collision. Jessica was credible.
Do some of your PI patient suffer from trauma induced
sleep disorder? By Dr. Lewkovich
Pain and stress from trauma can created difficulties falling asleep and staying asleep. This can become a major issue if the symptoms persist.
Updated science shows that the role of proper sleep is better understood and important to recovery.
The Lewkovich form summarizes 6 key issues with sleep disorders [ICD-10 G47].
What is a sleep disorder?
What causes this?
How are mild TBI’s related?
Concussion study by UCSF professors identities 'public health crisis'
Geoffrey Manley, a UCSF professor of neurosurgery says physicians who don’t follow their concussion patients might be accused of malpractice. Following concussion
patients should be the same standard as following patients who suffer from diabetes and heart disease.
Pretty strong words. Of the 4 million Americans who suffered traumatic brain injuries only 40% saw a doctor within 3 months of getting injured.
Half the concussion patients are discharged without being warned about possible follow symptoms, red flags and dangers. Concussion patients have a great chance
of developing Parkinson’s disease and dementia.
Manley argues there is not obvious or organized programs for follow care. Some were seen by GP, only a small percent were seen by specialists. “It’s very disturbing.”
Manley believe a head injury is an ON-GOING condition rather than an isolated event.
San Francisco Chronicle, June 9, 2018
Call your attorney.
If you have been treating your PI patient for longer than 6 months or if your bill is in excess of $7500, call your attorney for a case update. Ask them about the policy limits,
the total of the other medical bills to date, and approximate settlement value. By that point in litigation, the attorney should be able to give you a good idea of whether you are likely to be fairly compensated for your continued efforts. It is also a great
time to discuss the necessity for future medical treatment.
For any questions feel free to email me:
We work everywhere in California!

HJ Ross Insurance Seminars
Calabasas 7/12/2018
San Jose 7/14/2018
Pasadena 7/26/2018
Riverside 7/28/2018
All doctors welcome to join us.
For questions email


Shawn Steel PI Survey
Which MD specialty is your most important referral?
Orthopedist: 35.48%
Pain Management:
Over 1/3 of DC refer patients to an orthopedist for Evaluation. The other two major specialties are neurosurgeons or
Pain Management.
We always suggest you instruct the MD not to treat your patient at first. You just want a comprehensive evaluation
and recommendations that you and your patient may consider.

Shawn Steel Law Firm, California's Pro Chiropractic Law Firm3010 Old Ranch PKWYSuite 260Seal Beach, CA 90740
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