My esteemed partner, Loyola Law Professor, Alexander C. Eisner and I offered unfiltered views of what happened and what can happen in 2025 in the PI World.
In 2024 the biggest factor impacting chiropractors is the rise of the Billboard Attorney.
Billboard Attorneys spend millions on TV, billboards and radio to fish for PI cases. They are looking for the 1% Big Pay Day cases that pay for the ads.
Here are some of the key factors that impact your practice.
- Billboard lawyers do not litigate. They refer litigation cases to other firms. They only settle easy cases.
- They use call centers to screen cases. When a potential client calls, they do not call a real law firm.
- Billboard lawyers won’t and cannot pay doctors 100%. Their marketing expenses and costs to manage a case will not allow them to pay doctors 100%.
- They don’t have enough lawyers to ever call a doctor about care and treatment. They’ll take anything and throw the bills on the wall to get easy settlements.
- They seek the 1% case with huge insurance, easy liability and massive injuries. Those million-dollar cases – pay for the ‘loss leader’ of small PI cases.
In 2025 California basic car insurance limits INCREASED from $15,000 per accident to $30,000 per accident. That’s a big deal.
- Most chiropractors will no longer have to suffer policy limits that may cover only a portion of their care.
- Naturally basic insurance cost will increase and will lead to more people not buying any car insurance.
- It is vital that you gently remind your patients to INCREASE their UM insurance to 100/300 in case they are hit by a non-insured defendant.
Also, MED PAY needs to be increased to $10,000. Med Pay is still the best insurance bargain in California.