Dr. Lewkovich’s new form – proving Active Care for PI Patients
Can you answer this question?
“Doctor, in your 4 months of treating Ms. Jones, what did you do to make her more self-reliant and less dependent upon chiropractic care?
This is the new but standard question asked at every deposition and trial. Virtually every treatment guideline promotes patient’s self-reliance. So does Chiropractic philosophy. In fact, failure to move patient from passive care can lead to dependency, poor healing and long-term disability.
Use of the Lewkovich form proves the doctor has a variety of protocols.
JohnTawlian@shawnsteel.com for your copy.
Next PI Teleconference
Wednesday, August 31 @ 1:00 PM
with our special guest
Ron Brizzie, MD, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Why and when should Chiropractors use pain management doctors
To register
E-mail: johntawlian@shawnsteel.com
For telephone number & pass code
We accept any serious PI anywhere in California
We visit all our prospective clients anywhere in California.
Surprising Rear-Ender Verdict in Contra Costa County
Thomas Pryor, 63, a roofer and handyman, when stopped for traffic, was rear-ended in his jeep at 25 mph.
Pryor claimed
aggravation of preexisting back and neck problems, right shoulder pain and persistent headaches. He suffered ‘stringing nerve-type pain down his arm.’ Police refused to come to the scene but Pryor’s car was towed.
Pryor delayed care, usually fatal in PI cases, but found Gary Yaeger DC, Walnut Creek. Dr. Yaeger brought in Susan Guitierrez MD, a pain management specialist. Pryor presented a complicated case requiring the combined course of chiropractic and medical management with two epidural steroid injections and two occipital nerve blocks.
Prior to trial Pryor demanded $35,000. Defendant offered $5000. The jury awarded $40,000. Because the award was
more than Pryor demanded, the defendant was forced to tender policy limits of $50,000.
Pryor vs. Saadzoi, Superior Court of Contra Costa, Judge Judith Craddick, 5/16/11 No C10-00387.
Delays or Gap in care are usually fatal. That Pryor had to get surgical relief overcame the presumption he was not injured. |
Pryor at 63 with a lifetime working man certainly had preexisting back problems…this fact was used to effectively HELP his claim. |
Victor Tong, DC & Associates
Monrovia  08/20/2011
Buena Park  09/24/2011
North Hollywood  10/22/2011
Burbank  11/22/2011
Orange County  12/08/2011
For questions call John at 310-697-9000 or
e-mail: johntawlian@shawnsteel.com
SCU [LACC] Centennial Extravaganza
Anaheim Marriott August 26 - 28, 2011
For Information and Registration press on the link below: