The latest criminal conviction of the notorious Long Beach Pacific Hospital, 65-year-old orthopedic surgeon convicted for taking bribes for referring patients.
Still not known is how many surgeries were really necessary to unsuspecting patients.
Dr. David Payne of Irvine was found guilty of conspiracy, fraud and bribery. Master criminal Michael Drobot, the owner of Pacific Hospital, conspired with MD’s, DC’s to pay kickbacks in return for referring patients.
The scheme generated over $500 M for spinal surgeries. Payne received bribes from Drobot up to $15,000 for each spinal surgery. The top bribe was for Lumbar Spine with implants from one of Drobot’s companies.
The bribes were covered up by disguising payments for market services and fees based on a sham contract.
Payne when sentenced on June 2, will face up to 50 years in federal prison.